
welcome 07 Jun 2020


if for some reason you have exerted cognitive energy going through my site, instead of on the infinite stream of content available in this internet ethos, then big ups! i appreciate your time.

things are pretty bare bones right now but just like Kanye’s “The Life of Pablo” album, this is an iterative process and i wanted to put something out there. “perfect is the enemy of great” (not to imply that this thing will be great) so i hope that you bare with me as i continue to learn more front-end dev things and expand this site.

despite having a pretty fruitful life so far, i realized that i haven’t produced many “tangible” things. as a statistician by trade, all i have to show for it is a piece of paper and some bullet points on a resumé. so moving forward i want to have my work and thoughts put into a more consumable form and to have all of it live in one space.

growing up i wanted to be a writer so i’m trying to make 15 year-old norm proud by starting a blog. my sisters are photographers which inspired me to become a person that takes photos as a hobby (I don’t call myself a photographer, I don’t have the right to say that) so i’ll have some photos on here too.

i also have some random ass ideas and maybe one day i will have the motivation to bring them to life.

to my current or future potential employers, uhhh i hope this is more of a positive reflection of my character rather than an interpretation of my skills (or lack thereof).

if you actually made it this far, what the heck, go do something better with your time. read a book or grab coffee with that one person you’ve been meaning to hit up.

take care.
